By Ken Carey
– Insights didn’t come as flashes but as things I had always known, truths so obvious it was hard to believe I could have forgotten them. But I had…
– They described themselves as “condensations of consciousness” in a sea of universal being, temporal embodiments of eternal qualities, ever changing in form and content, yet consistent in the qualities they represent.
– Plants arrange molecules in patterns inspired by the light of our nearest star. Oceans rise to greet the moon. A biosphere plays with endless variations, mingling earth and sun, time and eternity, balancing matter and spirit in uncountable lives.
– Genuine spirit information helps to broaden and deepen one’s experience of this miraculous and largely unexplored universe.
– The problems of an analogous acorn society would not, in the end, be resolved by improving acorn methods of thinking, but by the beautiful and terrible bursting asunder that unleashes the magnificent power of the implicit oak.
– “Love, like energy,” is said, “cannot be destroyed. Wherever love has found its way into dimensional expression, it leaves emotional alterations in the texture of the universe, traces like multicolored etchings in the ethers….
– Rise from your cultures to remember your origins and your nature: light bodies, like stars, agreeing to stay in specified temperature ranges for certain periods of time, creating time and space, distances between you, painting spatial landscapes on the screen of time, drawing stardust into the dancing fields of your light.
– The true human can blend with the essence of the forest, the spirits of the rain, the spirits of every creeping, crawling, living thing and can represent them fairly and evoke from them the best that they can be.
– Stardust. Frozen starlight. You call it matter.
– We draw order, structure and beauty out of the vibrating music of starlight.
– We are here to teach you how to fly. Take us out of your cages of concept and archaic definition.
– until we conceive the offspring who will be equally child of starlight’s fiery love and an ocean world’s gentle truth.
– The drawback of materialization, however, was that it took much of our energy and attention to maintain the bodies in which we dressed. So, though we had the advantage of physical instruments through which to create, sustaining those instruments was both awkward and distracting.
– Until you have bonded with the star consciousness, you remain unfinished. You do not yet know your own material or spiritual nature.
– What happens when an actor who was asked to play a supporting role rebels and tries to play the lead role instead? With no knowledge of the part?
– the imagination and the intuition were the inner communication devices designed to keep each angelic spirit in close and frequent communication with its human projection during the early stages of bonding.
– They forgot that spirit and ego are two manifestations of the same presence, that each human body is created by the presences of a spirit being on the material plane.
– You cannot remain conscious motivated by fear.
– Eventually, fear-motivation supplanted love-motivation as the dominant human deity. And it would tolerate no other god. So it was that the egos took the center stage of human identity.
– We longed for them to start seeing once again with their own eyes the spirit of the living God that is both the Creator Mother Earth, and the eternal Spirit Fire of the Sun.
– For when human beings cut off their conscious connection with the Great Spirit, they enter the twilight realms of the subconscious where evolution, education and precise justice prevail. The lords of karma meticulously rule these twilight world, like well trained umpires policing every wrong and right, seeing that the books are balanced at the end of every age.
– We knew ourselves as the Ongwhehonwhe, which means “the people true to reality.”
-The people of the Bird Tribes came and went off the faces of the Americas without a single name being carved in stone, with not one stone head being raised in arrogance to look out over the seas, with not a single human bone left to note them in the Mother’s soil; for they ascended, these tribes—and left no remains.
– We could keep the fear disease out of our islands as long as human populations remained small, and collective human consciousness was not making itself felt on a planetary scale. However, the disease was a part of our collective field of being and the human populations attuned to fear grew rapidly in the millennia following the rebellion. Their vibrational influence became stronger with each passing age.
– My challenge was to be in their world but not of it; for I knew too much, technically, to be in their world at all. I knew that it existed only in their imaginations, a creation entirely of their fears.
– I taught them that the life within and around them contained profound intelligence and design. I showed them how to contact this intelligence and how to allow life’s designs—the kingdom of heaven—to emerge from within their own hearts. I taught them of the spirit beings, the angels, who have been wielding the creative power of life on earth or three and a half billion years. I explained to them how the blending with the Holy Spirit of these beings would transform and revolutionize their lives, but that they themselves had to invite spirit into their affairs; for without invitation, the Bird Tribes would not interfere with their freedom of will. In my life, my teaching and my example, I made the point that human beings do not have to be controlled by their fears, that they could relax and surrender all their fears to the Fire that burns eternally in the sacred heart of God, that they could align themselves with eternal love, become one with the Creator, and live their lives in peace, in harmony with each other and with a benevolent universe. There was something I cared about more than anything in the world. I longed to see the human beings incarnate in the warrior societies forgiving one anther, loving one another and looking at things through the eyes of their spirits instead of exclusively remaining locked into the perceptions of their egos. I longed for them to come to an awareness of the magnificence around them, of their potential and forgotten joy.
– Our historical, behind-the-scenes presence has been obscured from human vision because historical people have no vision—they turn their perception over to others. They refuse to give credibility to any experience not easily put into words. They believe that if their native language does not have terms for it, if people do not speak of it, it must not exists. In effect, they let others doe their “Seeing” for them. They give away their power. They became unwitting prisoners of a popular, language-centered fiction. They do not often notice even a single angel, much less an entire species of spiritual guardians, though we are ever-present behind the stage props of their preoccupations.
– People paying more attention to what other people tell them than to their own perception is the beginning of civilization. It is the beginning of a twisting, warping influence that ultimately produces a shift in human orientation: from the internal guidance of the Great Spirit to external dominance by others. Civilization does not occur among healthy people.
– It is easier to flush toxins from the earth’s river valleys than to remove the toxic ideas that cause them from human minds. In the order of healing, it is human consciousness that first must change.
– there are spirit beings designed to work in symbiotic cooperation with each human ego.
– You now consider yourselves to be your egos, but egos are only one half the human equation. The complete human is a spirit/ego partnership.
– Hundreds of thousands of little beings, all working voluntarily together, make a human body what it is. It is not a case of survival of the fittest, as your belief systems, based on short-term observation, proclaim. It is rather a case of flourishment fo the most cooperative, as all long-term observation of the universe verifies.
– At critical stages in their development, life forms cooperate for their own advantage with other separate and distinct life forms. Over time their cooperation results in union. A new organism comes into being. Again and again this occurs in the formation of complex life forms.
– Our spiritual intelligence is the missing dimension, the rejected aspect, of your own wholeness.
– Your ego is the steward and potential master of all material plane fears, an important and necessary component of your identity. However, your ego was never meant to provide you with your primary sense of self. In a healthy state, the ego is a secondary component of identity.
– When your ego stops trying to do everything all by itself, and invites eternal spirit into your consciousness, your historical illusion evaporates like mist on a sunny morning. A polarity reversal takes place in the charge of your human envelope.
– We understand love and how it seeks to become objectified in the material universe. Your human egos understand the mechanics of the physical plane. Together we will form a single, creative dyad, an entry point into which the Eternal One’s universal creativity will pour and from there, flow out to thoroughly transform these realms of matter.
– “A man who looks first to a woman’s outer beauty will never know her beauty divine, for there is dust upon his eyes and he is as good as blind. But a man who sees in a woman the spirit of the Great One and who sees her beauty first in spirit and in truth, that man will know God in that woman; and should she chose to lie with him, he will share with her in enjoyment more fully than the former ever could And all will be as it should” – White Buffalo Calf Woman
– “You and your friend symbolize two paths that the men of a tribe can take. If you seek first the sacred vision of the Great Spirit, you will see as the Creator sees, and in that seeing, you will find that what you need from the earth will come readily into your hands. But if you seek first to secure your earthly desires and forget the spirit, you will die inside.” – WBCW
– “Those, like the young man whose bones now lie beneath the prairie moonlight, who think first of the sexual expression of this fire and only second, if they think at all, of the spirit behind it, lock themselves into cycles of suffering and illusion.” WBCW
– “Creation does not take place where there is a scattering and dissipation of energies. Creation requires a gathering together and focusing of your power within a circle of commitment—like a seed, an egg, a womb or a marriage. If you would create and not destroy, you remember always the Sacred Hoop. Consider wisely the ways in which you would use your power and then around those ways draw the sacred circle of commitment. In the warm atmosphere of that circle, the power of love builds and builds like a storm above the wet summer prairie until suddenly the circle can hold no more and explodes in the conception of the new.” WBCW
How to Smoke
– “Fill this pipe with a sacred tobacco grown especially for the purpose. Draw your first breath of smoke from this pipe as a breathe of gratitude to the Great Spirit, from whose breath you were first given life. Use the smoke of this pipe to represent your thoughts, prayers, and aspirations. Send them upward with your exhalations to the Great One, Wakan Tanka..”
– “Then with your second breath of the sacred tobacco, let your thoughts be of love and gratitude to your Mother, the earth.”
– #3 breath is for the four footed and feathered friends, #4 for the Bird Tribes and OG people.
– “This sacred pipe,” spoke White Buffalo Calf Woman, “and every breath of sacred smoke you breathe through its stem will help you remember that every breath you take is sacred.”
– “You, my people of the Sioux, are here to care for the earth. Your life is lit from that same fire that burns in the heart of the Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka.”
– “Just as I light this individual twig from the great fire that burns in the center of this tepee, so each individual human being is a flame taken from the eternal fire of God’s love.”
– “This, your individual human life, like the single flame that burns upon this twig is sufficient to light a great fire. As long as the love that burns within you is turned toward self-centered pursuits, it will remain tiny like this flame. Remaining tiny, it will bring you no joy. Eventually, in the swirling winds of spirit, it will be extinguished. But when you live in harmony with the Great Spirit, your flame of love is fanned by those same spirit winds. You are in love with the very purpose of life! You light the fire of love in all you meet. You know the purpose of your walk through this world and you know why the Great One gave you a life flame: not so that you could keep your tiny flame to yourself, loving what you need alone, but so that you could give it away, and with the fire of your love, bring consciousness to the earth.”
– “These twelve feathers hanging from the stem of the pipe have come from Wambli Galeshka, the spotted eagle…but they are also to remind you of your spirit selves, the Bird Tribes, the Winged Ones of heaven. As I now pass this pipe to you and your give thanks to the Great Spirit with the first breath of tobacco, let these feathers remind you of the spirit beings who come from the stars to brighten your human lives. Let these twelve sacred feathers draw your thoughts up and away from the gravity of petty and jealous passions. Let your thoughts fly, like these feathers have once flown on Wambli Galeshka, high above the world of the little self.”
– “Every dawn that dawns red in your eastern sky, like the red bowl of this pipe, is the birth of a new and holy day. And just as the rising sun drives out the darkness, so the light that shines in the lives of all those who love, drives out the darkness of self-centeredness and dissolves the shadows that cause misfortune.”
– “Carry your pipe with you always. Treat it as a sacred object. Honor all creatures and live your life in harmony with the Sacred Way of Balance of which every tree, every flower and every new day speaks…if ever your heart should feel heavy within you, do not waste time in regret.”
– “Stop your activities. Find a rock upon which to sit. Ask for the Great Spirit’s guidance as I have taught you, unwrap your pipe, and let its red bowl remind you of the sacred road, the way of life, the red pathway of the sun. After you have smoked your smokes to the Great Spirit, to the earth, to the animals, and to the people who are true to reality, after you have given your thanks to the four directions, then take a fifth smoke asking for guidance of the great winged beings of the spirit world. Ask the particular winged being of the spirit world that is closest to you to help you see the wisest path to follow. Ask that spirit to help you make the clearest choices, to help you know the steps you are to take upon the path that your deepest knowing would have your travel. In time you will come to know that spirit being as your own true self. For now, just rest in the still place where the deepest knowing makes its lodge. This will put you in touch with what you may have forgotten in the hurry of life. This will allow the fire that burns within you to speak to you in plain and unbroken terms. With this fifth smoke, the smoke that you offer the invisible spirit that guides you, you will see that the spirit world is real, inhabited by wise and benevolent beings that watch over your trials and hardships, unable to offer you hep or assistance until you ask them. With this smoke, ask the spirit beings that surround you to come into your life. Tell them you want to help them and the Great Spirit in their work and ask them how you can do this. By helping the Great Spirit in his work, you will help yourself far more than if you were merely concerned with your own affairs. Human beings are not fully happy or healthy until they serve the purpose for which God created them. Offer your sixth smoke to the six people whom you would most like to see especially blessed. A loved one whose spirit has flown from his body. A young man or woman who will soon be entering adulthood. The leader of a neighboring tribe whom you would like to see deepen in the ways of wisdom. Perhaps your own grandfathers, grandmothers or families. Each time you do this, choose the six people whom you would most like God to smile upon. For them offer this smoke.”
– The seventh smoke she explained must always be taken in silence; for it was offered to the Great Being from which every being was drawn.
– “For a long time you will live beneath the sacred shade of this Tree of Understanding that I am planting in your consciousness this evening.”
– “For a time will come like a dark storm from the east when the prairies shall be overrun with those who speak fast, perceive little, and wield much power. The sacred Tree of Understanding that you will carry within you during these next few generations will be cut down in that storm. The tree will seem to die….But that ember will remain…And know this, my people: a great fire can be ignited from a single, glowing ember! For when the storm is over, that ember will ignite a dawn brighter than any dawn before. A new tree will grow, more glorious than this tree I leave with you now. “
– I taught them that warfare makes one as vicious as one’s enemies and that to fight for any reason other than self-defense is to become what you detest.
– I told them how their own fear and suspicion had turned many of their neighboring tribes into enemies, when in reality these neighbors wanted peace as much as any Mohawk.
– Do you increase your security through your belief in this monstrous lie (warfare and competition as a way of life)? No! The idea itself divides you from each other, for it encourages values and forms of behavior that do not make for friendship among warriors, peace within villages, or happy songs around your sacred fires.
– No man should ever be afraid to cut falsehood from his life, even if it is the very thing upon which he is standing. Once he recognizes it, he should not fear to let it fall away. For to remain standing upon a lie, once it is known to be false, is to forswear future peace and joy. And there is no value to living if such as these are your roots.
– I held tightly to the falling branches, feeling only gratitude for the perfect moment that held me in its heaven.
– “When you simply destroy that which you cannot understand,” I told him, “it will come back to you again and again and again, each new form worse than the previous. But if once you can understand what motivates your enemy, you can often help him discover superior ways of accomplishing his deeper purpose.”
– When we align ourselves with the purposes of heaven and act in common accord, we have all of the natural forces working with us, supporting us, helping us. “Though the truth may be simple, as simple as a human hand, and though it may be gentle, as gentle as a hand, aligned with the powers of heaven and the powers of earth, that single hand can stand up to the greatest lie, to the most entrenched habit or tradition, to the most stubborn and firmly rooted illusion; and that single hand can topple it as easily as my single hand now topples this tree.”
– Remember always that the truth springs from many hearts and takes many outer forms, no two ever the same.
– hierarchy makes sterile soil in which the Tree of Peace withers and soon dies. Wherever you have the entrenched leadership of one man or a small ruling elite, you have a society structured according to the ways of violence.
– “Let none of you think of yourselves as pupils, disciples, or students of either myself or Deganawida, for one who thinks of himself a a student never becomes greater than his master. And one who thinks of herself as a follower shall never excel her leader.”
– From the highest tree, call out to the truth of your spirit and know that always, always, friends will come.
– This principle of putting aside individual viewpoints and fully supporting the goals of the united body of nations, once they were established, was carefully adhered to throughout the early centuries of the confederacy’s existence. It was a sacred and respected component of Gayaneshakgowa, The Great Law of Peace.
– Many smell the smoke of our fires. Thought fires they are. Kindled in love. Burning for you. Calling. Calling you home.
– Ceremonies among circles of stone reminded people that life itself was the greatest of all ceremonies.
– Just as there is no conflict in reality between the elemental forces of the earth and the whisperings of the solar wind, just as there is no conflict between ocean and shore, between female and male, between moonlight, sunlight, noontide or night, neither is there conflict between the monotheism of the European traditions and the pantheism of earth peoples the world over.
– In this new world of light, see God in all things. Understand that to honor any aspect of God is to honor God. Let reverence be not reserved solely for an image in your cathedral—or consciousness. Extend it to every sparrow, every child, every flower. Give it to every pebble sparkling on the beach.
– Living in the One, in tune with the One, sing your individuality in harmony with the theirs of your nation, as your nation sings in harmony with the other nations that in this world are forming the organ of consciousness of the One. You are the way that God becomes human, the way that God tends to the garden. You are the way God interacts with the universe of creation. This world is your unfoldment. You have created it that as this human family you might come to enjoy time through the substance of biology.
– Realize that what you feel in your heart determines what you see. Perception rides upon the expressions of the heart like a canoe rides upon the waters. When your heart expresses fear in any of its turbulent forms your understanding becomes jumbled, confused, you perceive through the waves of illusion. But when you love, you understand, for then you share the vision, the very perception of God. Return, like the salmon, to the place of your origin. Birth your moments only in love. You can root your life in fear and know the predictability of granite, the strength of marble and what security there is in limestone’s patient changing.
– As the energies of love grow stronger, the shadows of fear become more visible than before. To some it may even appear that they have grown in number and in strength, but this is not so. What was hidden has simply become revealed—that it might be healed and brought to peace.
– Trust yourself, trust your natural response to each new situation. The action arising from within your heart is not going to be destructive, it is going to suggest the most creative path to walk in answer to your situation and your world. When you trust yourself, you are trusting in the Wisdom that designed you. This is how you trust in God. It is not an abstract thing.
– Trust in God is trusting in the God who lives within you, trusting in your spirit’s ability to respond to each situation beautifully, impeccably, individually, creatively. When you doubt your native ability to breathe the air of spirit into your world and create according to your divine thought, you are doubting both God and the universe. You are rejecting life’s most precious gift to you—your own inner knowing—and you are presuming to replace it with values, judgments and opinions you have acquired secondhand.
– Reason is designed to support, not to lead you action. It is meant to help you implement the purpose of your heart; it is not meant to determine them.
– Trust the nature of your design. God’s actions appear within your awareness as the most natural things for you to do. Following them will reconnect you with the awesome powers of the universe, for all your actions will then be in harmony with the underlying intent of the life force itself.
– when your thoughts spring from intuition, they are not sustained through tension, anxiety, or fear.
– The process of relaxing all thoughts that require tension to sustain them is a process of relaxing habits of the past and awakening to the reality of your own spiritual presence. It is a process of losing interest in fearful ways of walking upon the earth and choosing to create your world in love through the action of your open heart.
– Should you perceive a problem, you surround that problem with love. You define it in love. You recognize that it is caused by the lack of love that lies behind all problems. And with love you introduce the understanding that provides the solution.
– When you choose to relax, you break away from the control of fear’s conditioning. You break the bonds have historically enslaved your race. In the expression and restful enjoyment of love, you come to know the energies of the Great Spirit.
– There are two requirements. The first is that your heart be open, loving and able to channel, at least to some degree, the love of God. The second requirement is that your identity be fully present in the moment. If your identity is based in your past experiences, you are not truly present. What looks through your eyes is then only a fictitious creature, an image, an illusion.
– Too much thinking about oneself is the greatest thing that keeps human identity from being fully present, for when you are constantly self-reflecting you are too caught up in past and future to notice the presence around you. You are doubting your own power. You are not vibrating fast enough to channel the immense energies of creation because your attention is scattered and you are closed to the one moment where the love that would quicken you exists: the moment where you are.
– your love and your perception. This is what will heal the world: clear and undistorted perception, flowing through a you that is not self-reflective in the egoic sense, but self-reflective in the sense of knowing the god within.
– You use your individual free will to pursue God’s will—and you know God’s will as your own.
– Behind the subtle breezes that whisper through the treetops, fine and delicate energies pulse into your world from the spirit world, from an energy level not visible to your senses but as tangible as all you touch and hear.
– Watching these subtle whispers behind the wind, you notice that the birds are watching them too, playing with them, learning from them the news, gathering a picture of what the day has in store.
– As you listen to it, the wind tells you things. You allow its currents to gently move your thoughts as the eagle flying low over the treetops lets them move his wings.
– Somewhere in these currents, there is meaning for you.
– You begin to see in a new way: the forest, a system of living information flowing back and forth along an invisible, but to you, an increasingly perceptible network of energy. You feel it, picture it, with something deeper and more clear-sighted than the physical eye: little webs of pulsing current, criss-crossing among the trees, networking, joining, slowly circling in the swirling presence of a vast and eternal being.
– As you relax, you blend into this pulsing network. You no longer feel separate from the grid of its swirling creative energy. You feel it within you, around you. Merging back into the ground of being, the little voices behind the wind lead you into an awareness of the intention that is calling out the life of this earth.
– You relax your self images, your ideas, your beliefs. You let go of your concepts about being human.
– You know yourself as a part of the world around you. It is a physical as well as a spiritual experience. You no longer force the creative energy of life into arbitrary structures of interpretation. You let the energy flow as it will. You become aware of the living presence of God.
– As you merge into the ground of being, allowing your sense of self to be drawn into an expansive new experience of who you are, you encounter the solar intelligence behind the subtle breezes. You hear a familiar voice, like the voice that whispers in your dreams. It tells you things, things that at first come to you as matter-of-fact observations, things that, of course, you had always known.
– You listen to catch the words that will help translate your perception. Information percolates through you from the subtle world of spirit. Your body knows, your senses pick it up. It’s relevance goes deep into that place in your heart where you determine how you can make the most creative use of time.
– Every dawn brings indication of activities for which the coming day is suited. When you saw the eagle fly across the face of the rising sun and give out his call, it was not accidental or without meaning. To the other birds and animals who were watching and gaining their impressions of the new day, the eagle’s flight was a cue, message rich with meaning.
– In every moment the Great Spirit communicates to all creatures everything they need to know. Through ten thousand billion agents—angels, elemental, animal, vegetable and mineral—through the vast and subtle network of living design beyond the weather, before the wind, the truth is ever being transmitted into this world of form.
– It is up to each one to sense how that truth translates and relates to him or her in each moment of the day.
– The process is not complex, the sensing and translating is not done with the mind. It is an autonomic process that occurs spontaneously below the level of thought when judgment subsides and allows perception to simply be, a natural process that takes place effortlessly when your mind realizes its cultural interpretations and trusts you to experience the natural clarity that is always present—when you are present.
– Intellect is a good thing; reason is a valuable tool. But the mind was created to serve, not to eclipses the human spirit. In attunement with the creative energies that pulse beneath the outer surface of life, spirit has ways of determining behavior that are far more rapid and effective than anything an ego could calculate through slow-motion, linear reasoning.
– In every moment you have around you all the information you require. You are at all times surrounded by the truth of what is, the energies behind the wind. They are signaling. To you.
– What comes before the morning breeze? Subtle intentions of the solar wind. What comes before the breath of the sun that comes before the wind? The energies of being. On a planet. Turning. To face her love-star. Earth and sun. Building a spirit bridge along the lines of attention that they turn one toward the other. Lovers gazing into one another’s eyes. Along the lines of their gaze, potential appears.
– Ideas occur along the lines of gravitation between earth and star.
– Relaxing your individual sense of self, this is the Being that you become. Totally satisfying. What your heart has been longing for. Releasing fictitious images to the wind, you feel, you know.
– There is a perfect image for you, a spirit energy field that calls your biology into the vibrating patterns of Being’s perfect purpose. You have only to relax and release the ways you have formerly thought of yourself to sense this perfect image, to feel your spirit purpose, to allow God to describe you.
– It is defining you as a projection of all that is, as a steward, a caretaker, an Ongwhehonwhe, bearing special gifts of love for the earth and for all her creatures, for the fishes of the sea, for the four-footed, the winged and for all that you perceive. This world lives inside you; her creatures are the organs of your body; they are a part of you; they are you. You are this world’s organ of consciousness, awakening. You are eternity’s love for time—embodied in human form.
– You are the beginning. The beginning of how eternity reveals its potential in time. Your own historical moment is indeed the optimal moment, long predicted. Many of your kind are now opening to the angelic blending that is guiding your race from ignorance to reality. Humankind is poised on the threshold of a fundamental species-transition. We, and the Great One whom we serve, desire this change to come gracefully. Like the opening of a flower. Or the breath of angel wings behind the wind.
– Intelligence is relative to the context in which it functions; it is the measure of a unit’s ability to creatively interact with and within its environment. There is no such thing as purely objective intelligence.
– Historical human egos know they are unfulfilled. They are looking everywhere for that which they lack. Those of you who remain locked into exclusive identity with them put out little grappling hooks in search of your missing pieces, but you continue to grapple at the wrong things. You grapple externally in the three-dimensional world, looking for fulfillment outside of yourself. But it is only the spirit of God that can bring fulfillment to an ego, and the spirit of God is experienced, not outside yourself, but within.
– As you open to it, moment by eternal moment, a new intelligence, like a whirlwind, swirls up your illusions and restructures your perception. You no longer experience yourself at the mercy of the world around you. The world becomes your paint and canvas. You know yourself to be an artist, capable of recreating all you survey.
– the parts of this single Being, when they are healthy, do not compete, but fit together to support one another like the cells and organs of a healthy body. The rich variety of their perspective, when expressed simply and naturally, complement one another as parts of a whole.
– Every angel, every human, every creature, every plant, every microbe within the reality that we recognize knows that, since they each come from a single Being, if they are healthy, they are in harmony with everything else in that Being. Herein lies the source of security.
– This is the peace that surpasses all understanding, the inner peace of which your mystics speak, the peace of mind and heart that all true men and women of God have discovered and known. It comes from remaining true to one’s own spiritual nature and thereby remaining in creative harmony with every other healthy part of the universal whole.
– Nothing physical has to depart. Not one single creature has to depart. Nothing has to depart but ideas—ideas that have distorted the human tribes of the earth and twisted them into societies of greed, dishonesty and violence.
– Because people share the creative power of the Great Spirit, their thoughts are creative. When people conceive of an idea, such as the concept of “survival of the fittest,” that idea takes on reality for them. It becomes part of their description of the world. They inhabit that description. They invest their creative power in its illusion. This is what it means to “believe in a false God.”
– Disease does not cause pain; disease is the result of pain, the result of spiritual agony. Disease is a subconscious strategy created by those who are spiritually suffering; it is designed to free them from the false gods—conflicting values and ideas—that hold them in their grip.
– That truth is metaconceptual; it is beyond the realm of conceptualization. Ideas can reflect portions of it, but they can never contain the magnificence of its living wholeness.
– Healthy intelligence knows itself as a center of creative description, living within an infinite ocean of truth that stretches forever in all directions. Healthy human identity does not rest in a conception of the mind; it rests always in spirit.
– Your belief systems have been your historical masters, feudal lords from whom you must now seek liberation.
– Know that you are not your thoughts, you are not your ideas, you are not your descriptions of the world around you. You are a being of pure consciousness who has chosen to manifest on the physical plane. You have incarnated to bring out, develop and enjoy the beauty of the created realms.
– You experience your individuality as a healthy leaf. You feel the sap flowing from the vine of your innermost self. You feel your life force coming from the central core of your own eternal love. You are the leaves and branches in time and in space, but you are the vine in spirit and in essence. Should ever your individuality perceive a problem, relaxation into universality provides the answer.
– It is we who designed your human bodies, but you have grown up in a civilization that denies both our presence and our reality. And so we breathe in you again and again, each breath fuller than the breath before, each pulsation brighter, each new communication clearer, penetrating further into your understanding.
– We are here in the atmosphere of your consciousness to draw you into clear and accurate perception, that together in cooperative harmony we might commence a new cycle of creation. We come to earth to blend with you in the communication that will give birth to the Creator in time. We work with whatever forms of understanding you allow us to animate.
– Your fearful human generations are like waves of cold sea water, splashing on our warm eternal shores. You can keep being afraid and receding with each cold wave to incarnate again and yet again. Or you can begin to watch the waves, the waves of your generation’s fears, the waves of your society’s illusions, the waves of emotional control, and realize that you are not the waves.
– The humanly defined world is constantly changing. It always has its momentary drama, a wave of emotional turmoil that seems to have the ability to put fear into the hearts of more than ever before.
– The birds have always floated on the surface of such waves. Even in the worst of tempests and storms—storms that have crashed armadas, sunk galleons and seen angry warriors perish beneath their fury—ever the birds have floated undisturbed, above the wreckage, above the turbulence, above the waves, gentle, serene.
– For wherever there is just one that does not succumb to the emotional undercurrents of fear that would herd you like sheep into some collective folly, there radiates an influence of peace, stability, healing and blessing.
– We are here to calm the troubled waters of collective emotional storms, to walk upon them in our understanding, to bring the ways of love to a human world tossing still in a troubled seas of illusion.
– We bring the torch of wisdom that resolves human differences through commerce, communication, forgiveness, honesty.
– Those who struggle and clutch at wreckage in the turbulence below cannot harm us or our kind. They can only become us in time. For it is from them, from such raw material, that the egos of our universal species are drawn.
– Do not content so anxiously with yourself. There is only one of you here, shadowboxing on the wall. Defend yourself from this alone: the programming of unconscious fears.
– Every time a human being reacts violently toward another being instead of communicating, that person is hurting him or herself. The essence of intelligence is simply this: it is always to your advantage to cooperate rather than to retaliate.
– These are not “others” that you perceive as foes, but those of your own household, your family. Let them become your friends and partners in the healing and educational work of these times. Do not take them or yourselves so seriously. With lightness in your heart, rise above the waters of emotional concern that would draw you beneath their surface. Feel the love that is restructuring every human illusion.
– Standing above the swirling seas of illusion, you see the radiant light of ten thousand others beings such as yourself. Light beings. Winged Ones. The ongwhehonwhe, returning.
– Each splashing wave of time brings another moment, another doorway, another opening, inviting the awakening children of the earth to feel the flutter of spirit in their consciousness, to feel the brush of angel wings, to allow the waters of their hearts to be still and to live each moment with greater love, honesty, caring and compassion than ever before.
– So the Great Spirit picks a place in the infinite ocean of space, draws a line. And call it time.
– The other side of the line is the Nagual. Here remains all that will be created. Here are the patterns of new creation and the energy that will draw the new creation out of the infinite reservoir of eternal potential, from the designing intelligence of the One who is ever becoming revealed.
– Sunlight impregnates the earth. Solar sperm and ocean ovum mingle. The sun teaches the earth his song, and the earth teaches the sun hers. The sun tries to sing her song and laughs. And the earth tries to sing a sun song and creates blue sky, white clouds and a world of scurrying creatures below.
– Dialogue between masculine and feminine aspects of the Great Spirit has been going on in the universe for twenty billion years.
– In a healthy state, the power of this creative energy is immense. Consciously channeled, it can be used to create beauty of an unprecedented order, of a nature surpassing all that came before, making visible the invisible beauty of God.
– You will not find your place in this universe or form a basis for understanding her mysteries, until you shed such superstition and realize that Mother God and Father God are profoundly in love.
– All about this universe what is feminine worships what is masculine. And the sole purpose of all about this universe that is masculine is to serve the feminine through the celebration and animation of the beauty that lies in her heart. Feminine and masculine are balanced in all healthy manifestation, equal partners, lovers, the truest twin friends.
– Your ancestral programming is invalid. Primitive notions of conflict between male and female lead to not-so-primitive weapons. Let your human world reflect instead the truth of the great love in which you are every moment suspended. Awaken into a new perception and understanding of reality: reality—not as misinterpreted by the warrior tribes—but as understood by all the angelic races of God throughout eternity. Awaken into an accurate perception of the universe in which you live.
– You are the love of the Creator embodied in human form. Through the power of your love, you create. You are here in the service of universal art to create beauty and to enjoy all that has been created. The evocation of beauty and the description of truth: this is your purpose. The purpose of life! The very purpose of the universe.
– In its own way, each species decides how it can best serve this purpose, once it understands it. The buffalo looks around and notices what is going on in prairie time and prairie space and designs a life to describe truth and to animate beauty as buffalos understand it.
– You are God’s organs of awareness, awakening, in this turning age, from the sleep of historical subconsciousness.
– Creation is brought into being through the loving interaction of these, your own inner polarities.
– Do not be surprised when we, who have roamed among these stars, tell you that you are special, that you are precious, that you are so incredibly loved by the source of all that is, that your one earth and your one sun are conception points for the new life of worlds to come. Do not shun such love or let narrow minds convince you it could not be. Accept this love. Feel it for yourselves.
– So long as this wondrous universe unfolds, human egos will face the same fundamental issues that you face today. Always they will have the choice to be ruled by what they love or by what they fear. The option to behave with excessive fear and the option to reject the input of their spirits will always be present, for human freedom of will is essential to the proper working of the universal design.
– However, if there could be a documented case history of the inevitable sequence of events that occur when an ego or a tribe chooses a god of fear…
– Crude and primitive symbolisms, these letters on a page, but a beginning. For as you sense the reality behind these words, and follow the direction of our thought, there is movement in your life. You leave the cave of history’s deceit and enter the sunlit garden that has ever been your true home.
– “You are being invited,” we were told, “to incarnate upon a world where illusion prevails in the minds and hearts of those whom I have created in my image and likeness. You who accept this invitation will soon find yourselves in the last days of the human species’ infancy, in a situation where the currents of fear have ruled their experience of separation.
– “Your role,” our narrator continued, “is to prepare people for the time when the lies that give birth to all fear-centered thinking will be banished forever from human consciousness. Though it may sound strange to you, if human populations are not prepared, it will be much more difficult for them to survive the cleavage, so entwined are the thoughts of fear, not only in their thinking, but even in their very sense of self. We must help them relax with their identities and stop defining themselves as vulnerable entities.”
– Implanted then into the structure of our emotional bodies were nonverbal, timed-released melodies that would help us to awaken even when conscious understanding was far from present. A number of us were musically commissioned and given the role of introducing the trigger melodies. These melodies began being delivered in the 1960s through songs that—though often rather nonsensical on the surface—pulsed with powerful emotional messages of love, hope and joy.
– Yet our awakening is not complete until what has found form emotionally also finds form conceptually. What we know in our hearts requires the complement of conscious understanding to effectively approach the healing that lies before us.
– It seems that humans have been so long trained for subservience that they now feel insecure under their own initiative! They lapse into following the shadows of these feudal ways even when the shadows are in such short supply they musts create new ones just to continue their habit.
– History repeats itself no more than any other bad habit. And no habit, however deep or ingrained, will stand a chance of re-election where consciousness, honesty and willing
determination characterize human affairs.